Monday, September 24, 2012

Molly's Puppy Party

For those of you that asked, here are the details to Molly's 2nd Puppy Party! 
Welcome wreath on the front door!

The Pupcakes

Adopt a Puppy Station
Choose your puppy wisely!

They each got a carrie box to decorate and take their puppy home in!

The awesome doghouse Molly's daddy made!
Birthday Girl being shy!
Liam and Madison's first date!

Decorating their puppy carriers!

Liam wasn't quite sure what to think!

Drew loved his cupcake!

Yum, cupcake!

It was a wonderful day full of friends and family to celebrate our 2 year old!

Molly is 2!


My little girl has grown up so fast! It is really hard to believe that she was ever NOT a part of our lives! Here are some things I want to remember about Molly at this age:
-still a great sleeper, one long nap and sleeping about 11 hours at night
-picky eater. You love the foods you are used to but are not keen on trying new things
-your vocabulary is amazing! You are talking up a storm and your little sentences and the way you say things crack me up!
-you say "Thanks" instead of Thank you, "Yep" and "Nope" and "Bless you" whenever anyone sneezes or coughs
-you love to "cook" in your new kitchen, play with your babies, and of course your "woof woof" friends. You also love to go on walks outside with your doll stroller.
-you like to talk to your daddy on the phone at work
-you love to talk about school and all your friends, but are still crying when I drop you off
-your favorite show right now is Team Umizoomi
-your favorite song to sing is the ABC's
-you only use your paci in the car and in your crib (small steps ;)

You make me smile everyday and I can't believe what a little person you have become. I love watching your personality shine!


My little girl on her first day of MDO!

She is going Tuesday and Thursday mornings for about 4 hours. They eat lunch there but she will come home and take her nap! The first day went great, no tears and she said she had so much fun! I wish I could say it continued to go that well! She cries when I drop her off but her teachers say it is only for a few minutes and then she has a blast! Such a big girl!