I know I say it every month but I can't believe how time has flown by. You are already 4 months old and growing up way to fast! You are now 15 lbs. 9 oz and 25 inches long. We call you our little chunky monkey. I love the way your cheeks look like they are full of marbles and how your little buddah belly sticks out! You are so fun right now. You love to laugh, squeal and give that shy little smile when someone new talks to you. You love to sit up in your Bumbo and on anyones lap, you are still a little bobblehead but have gotten much better with your head control. We had to put a whole storage bin of clothes away that you have grown out of! You love to play under your play gym and look at yourself in the mirror. You love to talk to all your toys and even to Jack. You have found your voice and are not afraid to shout!
You had your first cold this month. You had a fever for a day and a little cough. You handled it great, although your mom was a mess. Luckily it didn't last long and you were back to your happy self in a few days.
One highlight of the month was dinner with your poodle aunts! You got to meet Auntie Sarah from Chicago and hang out with little Joesph! His mom and I are hoping for a romance one day! Fingers crossed!